Monday, March 30, 2009

My Beloved Brother

What can i do to help my brother in law. It's so sad and heartache to hear the result. He is diagnosed with Leukemia...

Well, this has been happening since a year ago...

He is suffering with all the treatments but i did realise that the closest person around might feel even worst. They are looking at him going thru all sorts of treatment with the face telling you "why not God let me be the one??!!" What a depressing scene.

My sister is tough. She keeps all the tears and stands strong to face everything. She never drops a tears in front of the family. She takes care of the family, herself (she was pregnant when the hubby first diagnosed), the hubby parents, now the baby (baby is born), all big and small family matters, works, and the most importantly - the hubby.

My bro, i believe he is trying hard for being cooperative with the doctor. And i did believe its not something easy for every human being. Despite of all the pain, torture... i jus hope that he can be tough enough to go thru all these.

What can i do for them?? Except paying visits, text them the motivating message, be driver etc...wat else?!?

I Just hope that my bro to recover soon.
When will this day come..........I hope it's soon, let's pray for them!

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